Ltd. was applied to our #3 circulating fluidized bed boiler (1177T/H) in 2017. Since the application of this technology, the wear of the water-cooled wall in the protection area has been controlled, and the boiler has realized long-cycle continuous and efficient operation.
Wuhan Yongping Technology Co., Ltd.'s water-cooled wall heat-conducting grid-type steady flow anti-wear (i.e. heat-conducting surface anti-wear optimization and efficiency) technology has played a positive role in water-cooled wall anti-wear, saving our company's labor, material and time costs for boiler maintenance, and reducing economic losses caused by "non-stop".
Our company highly praises the service of Wuhan Yongping Technology Co.
Shenhua Zhuneng Shi Power Generation Company
Machine and furnace maintenance department
Please feel free to contact me!
Please contact us for more information+86-18062456085